We know finding the right care for your loved one can be overwhelming. Our Home Care Advantage Checklist below can help you identify the important questions to ask when researching care. If you are interested in learning more about our unique approach to senior care, see our Care Approach page.
How We Compare to Other Home Care Companies: |
The Home Care Assistance Advantage: |
Has the company been responsive, informative and professional? |
We are available 24/7 as a professional resource for you and your family.
Are the caregivers screened, bonded and insured? |
We typically hire only 1 in 25 applicants and always conduct extensive screening and background checks.
Does the company employ its caregivers and take care of taxes, withholding and workers’ compensation? |
Our caregivers are employees, not contractors, to protect our clients from liability.
Does the company conduct any caregiver training such as The Balanced Care Method™? |
Our Balanced Care Method™ training emphasizes healthy body, mind and spirit.
Does the company guarantee a personality match and offer caregiver interviews? |
We ensure a personality match and will not change your caregiver as long as you’re satisfied.
Does the company offer back-up caregivers in case of emergency? |
We have an extensive roster of trained employees available for all our clients’ needs.
Is the care manager available on-call 24/7, including nights and weekends? |
We are available 24/7 for our clients’ needs, including evenings, holidays and weekends.
Does the company perform regular quality assurance visits, client satisfaction reviews and caregiver evaluations? |
We conduct regular quality assurance visits along with other tools to ensure client satisfaction.
Does the company offer a satisfaction guarantee without any long-term contracts or commitments? |
We require no long-term contracts so you can use our services for as long as you need them.
Is the company a recognized leader in the senior care industry with published books on senior wellness and caregiving? |
We are a recognized leader in the industry. Ask us for more information on our book series.
NEW! Does the company have experience helping clients who are experiencing memory loss associated with aging or Alzheimer’s? |
Home Care Assistance offers our exclusive, proprietary Cognitive Therapeutics Method™. Our skilled caregivers administer daily cognitive exercises to promote long-term brain health and engagement.