How to Help Seniors Adjust to Retirement

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For some older adults, retirement is a welcome breath of fresh air. However, many seniors have difficulty adjusting to a slower life without the need to get up for work and have somewhere to be every day. If your aging parent seems to be facing difficulty with retirement, the following strategies may help. 

Encourage Time Off

Encourage your parent to take at least a year off to relax into retirement before making any major commitments, such as big travel plans or a move. Your parent may never know how it feels to slow down if he or she feels the need to have a constantly full schedule, and your mom or dad may be pleasantly surprised where retirement will naturally lead. 

Volunteer Together

Many seniors, whether they realize it or not, believe accomplishments and accolades determine their self-worth, and many feel guilty about not doing anything productive with their time. Suggest ways to volunteer together, such as helping at an animal shelter, library, or food pantry. This can be a very rewarding experience for you both and help your parent find new meaning in life. 

Engaging in volunteer work is just one of the many ways older adults can boost their health and wellbeing. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age can benefit in a variety of ways when they receive professional senior home care. Home Care Assistance is here to help your loved one accomplish daily tasks, prevent illness, and focus on living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Offer Emotional Support

Make sure to let your parent know you’re available when he or she needs to talk or wants to discuss plans with you. Offer your emotional support without criticizing the ideas or putting your loved one down. 

Suggest College Courses

Most community colleges and universities offer free or low-cost classes for seniors. Suggest classes you think your parent may enjoy, or even propose taking classes together. Lifelong learning is one of the best things seniors can do for their mental health. Taking classes also provides a chance to meet new people and maintain an active social life. 

If your loved one needs help with daily tasks or transportation to classes or other activities in the community, a home caregiver can be a wonderful resource. Caring for senior loved ones can be challenging for families who don’t have expertise or professional training in home care, but this challenge doesn’t have to be faced alone. Richmond homecare experts are available to provide high-quality care to seniors on an as-needed basis. From assistance with mobility and exercise to providing transportation to the doctor’s office and social events, there are a variety of ways professional caregivers can help your aging loved one continue to live independently.

Encourage Social Connections

Many retirees become isolated as their social networks are reduced by losing work friends. Encourage your parent to make new friends and suggest ways to stay connected, such as signing up for classes at the local senior center, joining a book club, or visiting the library. 

For families living in Richmond, respite care can be a wonderful solution when their aging loved ones need companionship and socialization a few hours a week or just need minor assistance with daily household tasks. At Home Care Assistance, we thrive on helping seniors maintain their independence while living in the comfort of home. To create a customized in-home care plan for your loved one, call us at (804) 207-4746.


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